Thursday, July 2, 2009

Transformers 2 The Worst Movie of the year.

I'm a huge fan of the Transformers cartoon and comics of the 80s and 90s. Michael Bay (MB) utterly destroyed anything remotely close to what we wanted to see on screen.

The reason why Transformers 1 was amazingly decent was that MB knew this was a make or break movie for him. I believe the studio and MB wanted some oversight and heavy editing to make sure the movie worked. I'm sure Spielberg had some influence on it. MB developed a huge ego after Transformers 1 made 700million. I believe the studios let him run with it and create whatever piece of film dung he wanted.

This movie is B-directing bad. Useless slow motion, out of place scenes, incredibly bad editing, and numerous plot holes and out of place scenes. Where's the continuity? On top of that, guy/gal who suppose to make sure the scenes and location match up and there are no errors? That person needs to be fired. The Screenwriters need to be fired. MB needs to be fired. Hasbro needs to be fired.

MB can cry and bitch about not making another Transformers, and frankly I'd be happy with that. He doesn't need to and I would be EXTREMELY HAPPY if someone else took over the duties. MCG even...Paul Anderson...or UWE Boll. Why you may ask? Judging by the reviews, everyone STILL wanted to see this movie besides the negativity. That shows the studio that so many people and fans who have grown up with Transformers show and comics loves the series. It's all about $$$ now. It will be interesting to see if they burn this series into the ground as they did with the Batman or Superman series.

Hasbro...they spent so much time meticulously overseeing the transformers CGI with ILM, so the toys match up with the transformations and kids wouldn't break them, that they neglected the whole entire freaking movie and story. All about the BENJAMINS. They could care less about their franchise. Speaking of ILM, Michael Bay even came close to destroying them too!

Take Marvel for example. They made sure they got everything right for Iron Man and the first two XMen. But greed overcomes all. Let's hope Iron Man 2 stays on track (I know it will.)

For those that say, "This is a mindless action summer popcorn movie". Or "You are a super geek thinking about it too much." It's atrociously bad at that. The Rock was better paced and scripted. Even Arnie's movies in the 80s were better paced. Commando is a better action movie. At least I know that was suppose to be a fun movie not to think too much. I think Transformers 2 tries and fails at this even. There's no story and no plot. The whole script was 5 pages long.

I'd be happy with new screenwriters and directors. It can't get any worse.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dave Matthews Band "Funny The Way It Is"


Transformers 4...err I mean..Batman Returns Again.....I mean Terminator 4

UPDATE: This website review changed my decision a bit, I'm not saying T4 is the best, but I'm willing to accept what they tried to do.

This is a bad week for Terminator fans as The Sarah Connor Chronicles were laid to rest and the reviews for Terminator 4 Salvation movie are not very promising. (Rotten Tomatoes Rating 34% thus far)

I really really wanted to get so excited for this movie that literally I would crap in my pants. It just didn't happen. Everyone's performance except Sam Worthington (performance as Marcus Wright) and Anton Yelchin ( a young Kyle Reese) was painfully flat. Not enough time was given to either dwell into the Terminator mythos and expand the story. No time was given to develop any relationship with the characters. Christian Bale as John Connor was dare I say medicore. That's saying a lot since I've seen almost every movie I've seen him in. A terrific actor, but I think he may have been woefully miscast or misdirected on how to act as John Connor. John Connor was witty, sarcastic, and rebellious man. There are a few nostalgic moments (nice touches by the way) that we hear or see and we see Christian Bale deliver it flat. I swear if you closed your eyes for a minutes whenever Christian Bale's voice was on screen during Terminator 4, you would think you were listening to dialogue from a new Batman movie!

I'm not sure what to say about this. I loved Terminator 2 with such passion. I remember my Dad taking me to see it what was then a new movie theater for 50 cents. I came out there just totally blown away. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. As a kid I want pretend to be a terminator and play war games with my neighborhood friends. In High School and college, I would watch the movie with my movie pals over and over again. I have seen that movie literally 50 times at least. One of the greatest action movies of all time. T4 is not bad, but it's not defining either. It sits in the middle. A movie you can forget easily when the sequels come out (which is very obvious in the movie). Jim Cameron....WE NEED YOU BACK! When will you revisit Aliens and Terminator series, and quit tormenting us! Give the fans what they want and stop thinking you are holier than thou!

All in all, the movie runs smooth, aside from explaining a few details. It just lacks the heart and courage that T2 had. This franchise will forever be chasing after Jim Cameron's ghost and the brilliance of T2. Bring him back! Pay whatever he wants! Good for matinee showing or one more viewing. I wasn't encouraged like I thought I would by the ending.

I won't ruin the movie for you, but I'll list the reviews that I found on par or downright hilarious.

I think I want to remember this film by the second trailer I loved and grew excited for T4

Just for Kicks here's Terminator 2 Trailer =)

T-4 might be mistaken by some as a Transformers sequel.

Harry releases the review of the flaming turd he's clenched for 2 days: TERMINATOR SALVATION!Screen Rant on T4

Terminator Salvation on Rotten Tomatoes

TuneCore, Amazon Set to Unveil On-Demand CD Sales

TuneCore, Amazon Set to Unveil On-Demand CD Sales

Posted using ShareThis

It's about time! This is the future of music distribution. Cut out the middle man and more for the artist!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Top 100 Comic Book Villains IGN

I'm not sure if I agree with Magneto being number one and Joker being number two. There were a few others within this list that shold have been rated higher (e.g. Doomsday, Venom, and Carnage). What do you guys think?

New Tidbits on 24

  • Season 8 is set in NY with new CTU
  • Chloe is back to help manage the new CTU
  • Renee and Jacks relationship last long than a day
  • Brian Hastings as new CTU director, along with two new younger agents and Anil Kapoor on peace keeping mission from Middle East.
  • Shooting of Season 8 starts in 2 weeks!

Friday, May 15, 2009

SPF Numbers mean nothing after +35

Confused by SPF? Take a Number
Published: May 14, 2009
The SPF arms race is leading some dermatologists to complain that this is merely a numbers game that confuses consumers.

Exactly how much more ridiculous claims will the skincare industry make?!!

Please visit and cross reference with Cosmetic Database for the most accurate information.

I personally use CA Baby Sunblock Lotion as it's deemed one of the safest and best. Super expensive for a small bottle!

Will the US Dollar no longer be the standard in the future?

The Almighty Renminbi?
Published: May 14, 2009
The dollar may be challenged by other currencies, most likely the Chinese renminbi, sooner than we think if we do not get our financial house in order.

What do you guys think? I see America's dollar's strength dwindling, this won't be the case as Professor Roubini states if the US starts moving away from its dependency on borrowing and reign in on her spending.

Left, Right, Left, Right, Left

New Coldplay Live Album out! What do you guys think? Can we get cheaper concert tickets in this economy please?! =)