Friday, May 22, 2009

Transformers 4...err I mean..Batman Returns Again.....I mean Terminator 4

UPDATE: This website review changed my decision a bit, I'm not saying T4 is the best, but I'm willing to accept what they tried to do.

This is a bad week for Terminator fans as The Sarah Connor Chronicles were laid to rest and the reviews for Terminator 4 Salvation movie are not very promising. (Rotten Tomatoes Rating 34% thus far)

I really really wanted to get so excited for this movie that literally I would crap in my pants. It just didn't happen. Everyone's performance except Sam Worthington (performance as Marcus Wright) and Anton Yelchin ( a young Kyle Reese) was painfully flat. Not enough time was given to either dwell into the Terminator mythos and expand the story. No time was given to develop any relationship with the characters. Christian Bale as John Connor was dare I say medicore. That's saying a lot since I've seen almost every movie I've seen him in. A terrific actor, but I think he may have been woefully miscast or misdirected on how to act as John Connor. John Connor was witty, sarcastic, and rebellious man. There are a few nostalgic moments (nice touches by the way) that we hear or see and we see Christian Bale deliver it flat. I swear if you closed your eyes for a minutes whenever Christian Bale's voice was on screen during Terminator 4, you would think you were listening to dialogue from a new Batman movie!

I'm not sure what to say about this. I loved Terminator 2 with such passion. I remember my Dad taking me to see it what was then a new movie theater for 50 cents. I came out there just totally blown away. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. As a kid I want pretend to be a terminator and play war games with my neighborhood friends. In High School and college, I would watch the movie with my movie pals over and over again. I have seen that movie literally 50 times at least. One of the greatest action movies of all time. T4 is not bad, but it's not defining either. It sits in the middle. A movie you can forget easily when the sequels come out (which is very obvious in the movie). Jim Cameron....WE NEED YOU BACK! When will you revisit Aliens and Terminator series, and quit tormenting us! Give the fans what they want and stop thinking you are holier than thou!

All in all, the movie runs smooth, aside from explaining a few details. It just lacks the heart and courage that T2 had. This franchise will forever be chasing after Jim Cameron's ghost and the brilliance of T2. Bring him back! Pay whatever he wants! Good for matinee showing or one more viewing. I wasn't encouraged like I thought I would by the ending.

I won't ruin the movie for you, but I'll list the reviews that I found on par or downright hilarious.

I think I want to remember this film by the second trailer I loved and grew excited for T4

Just for Kicks here's Terminator 2 Trailer =)

T-4 might be mistaken by some as a Transformers sequel.

Harry releases the review of the flaming turd he's clenched for 2 days: TERMINATOR SALVATION!Screen Rant on T4

Terminator Salvation on Rotten Tomatoes

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