Thursday, July 2, 2009

Transformers 2 The Worst Movie of the year.

I'm a huge fan of the Transformers cartoon and comics of the 80s and 90s. Michael Bay (MB) utterly destroyed anything remotely close to what we wanted to see on screen.

The reason why Transformers 1 was amazingly decent was that MB knew this was a make or break movie for him. I believe the studio and MB wanted some oversight and heavy editing to make sure the movie worked. I'm sure Spielberg had some influence on it. MB developed a huge ego after Transformers 1 made 700million. I believe the studios let him run with it and create whatever piece of film dung he wanted.

This movie is B-directing bad. Useless slow motion, out of place scenes, incredibly bad editing, and numerous plot holes and out of place scenes. Where's the continuity? On top of that, guy/gal who suppose to make sure the scenes and location match up and there are no errors? That person needs to be fired. The Screenwriters need to be fired. MB needs to be fired. Hasbro needs to be fired.

MB can cry and bitch about not making another Transformers, and frankly I'd be happy with that. He doesn't need to and I would be EXTREMELY HAPPY if someone else took over the duties. MCG even...Paul Anderson...or UWE Boll. Why you may ask? Judging by the reviews, everyone STILL wanted to see this movie besides the negativity. That shows the studio that so many people and fans who have grown up with Transformers show and comics loves the series. It's all about $$$ now. It will be interesting to see if they burn this series into the ground as they did with the Batman or Superman series.

Hasbro...they spent so much time meticulously overseeing the transformers CGI with ILM, so the toys match up with the transformations and kids wouldn't break them, that they neglected the whole entire freaking movie and story. All about the BENJAMINS. They could care less about their franchise. Speaking of ILM, Michael Bay even came close to destroying them too!

Take Marvel for example. They made sure they got everything right for Iron Man and the first two XMen. But greed overcomes all. Let's hope Iron Man 2 stays on track (I know it will.)

For those that say, "This is a mindless action summer popcorn movie". Or "You are a super geek thinking about it too much." It's atrociously bad at that. The Rock was better paced and scripted. Even Arnie's movies in the 80s were better paced. Commando is a better action movie. At least I know that was suppose to be a fun movie not to think too much. I think Transformers 2 tries and fails at this even. There's no story and no plot. The whole script was 5 pages long.

I'd be happy with new screenwriters and directors. It can't get any worse.

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